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Synapse Medical UK are delighted to announce that the MRI department at Queen Alexandra Hospital in Portsmouth have selected Ulrich’s new MAX 3 contrast injector to meet the immediate and future injector needs in their department. The new MAX injector aims to deliver unparalleled efficiencies to the new MRI department within Queen Alexandra. The Diagnostic Imaging team for Synapse Medical received excellent feedback from the hospital following the injector installation:
Lou Herron, Deputy Supt Rad CT/MR commented that staff at QAH were already familiar with the reservoir injector approach used with the Ulrich CT Motion which equips all three CT rooms at the hospital.
The MAX MRI injector works in a similar way but with a 24hr cassette instead of hose arrangement, it is even easier and quicker to set up at the start of each day. The unit allows us to load one or two contrast bottles as needed and have saline available at all times for all injections. We can specify the contrast dose in line with department protocols and eliminate waste of unused contrast. When a contrast bottle runs empty we simply assess the contrast requirement against the patient list and load more contrast accordingly.
The MAX 3 also has the ability to accommodate Pre Filled Syringes (PFS) so when we need to switch to a contrast agent only available in PFS, the set up and operation for PFS contrast is again quick and simple.
Not only is MAX ticking our boxes in terms of today’s requirements, but we are very confident that as the MR workload increases in the coming years, we are now ideally placed to meet those challenges in relation to our contrast examination needs.
In addition to this feedback, Bernard O’Brien, Diagnostic Imaging Manger, also commented that Ulrich’s Reservoir injector approach has proven clinical, financial and efficiency benefits, as successfully demonstrated in the rapidly expanding CT Motion install base across the UK and Ireland. We are confident that the MAX injector can bring the same level of benefits to MRI departments.
We have seen the introduction of larger volume bottles of MR contrast agents across the European contrast media landscape and we envisage those becoming available in the UK given the projected increase in demand for all manner of MR examinations. MAX is uniquely and ideally placed to allow departments to leverage the operating efficiencies of larger volume contrast agents.
Pictured with their new MAX injector are: Helena Selgueiro Senior MR/CT Radiographer, Edgar Oliveira Senior CT/MR Radiographer, Lou Herron Dept Supt Rad CT/MR, Sharon Swire Dept Supt Rad CT/MR, Dinis Assuncao Senior MR/CT Radiographer
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