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Administered since 1982, Omniapque is a low osmolar contrast agent used during X ray imaging to enhance and visualise internal structures within the body. It is indicated for intra-arterial, intrathecal, body cavity and oral use in gastro-intestinal studies. Omnipaque has been unsurpassed by any low-osmolar contrast media for either diagnostic efficacy or tolerability at equi-attenuating doses in head-to-head trials.

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Why surgeons prefer Omnipaque™

  • Omnipaque provies reliability and choice: Indicated for intravenous, intra-arterial, body cavity, intrathecal and oral uses. Approved for use in both adults and children.
  • Prescribing confidence through its favourable tolerability.
  • Enhancing oral procedures due to its preferred taste. 81% of adult body CT patients, who expressed a preference, preferred Omnipaque over diatrizoate.
  • Omnipaque 500mL can be used for up to 24 hours from initial puncture. Chemical and physical stability has been demonstrated for 24 hours at 25˚C.
  • Omnipaque 500mL can aid with effficency with fewer bottle changes.
  • Omnipaque 500mL can aid economy by reducing the number of bottle spikes used
  • Omnipaque 500mL should only be used in connection with auto injectors/pumps approved for this volume.

GE Healthcare’s iodine-recycling program is expanding to help hospitals keep contrast media in the circular economy.

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